Thursday, December 24, 2009

Emily - 2 mile cross training

Merry Christmas Eve! (or as my oldest calls it, "Christmas Steve!") Emily here. Today's workout was cross-training to get geared up for my 5k on New Year's Eve. We got a good 6-10 inches of snow in Colorado last night, so it was way to nasty out to run outside and I had to resort to the treadmill. Let's just say I HATE the treadmill. For some reason my legs always hurt a LOT more while running on the treadmill than they do running outside. But enough whining :) I started with 5 min (1/4 mile) of walking to get myself warmed up. After that I sprinted (well, ran at about 7mph) for 1 minute and walked at 3mph for 3 min. I repeated that until I had finished 2 miles for today. I had a goal of 3 miles but I just about passed out after finishing mile 2 and decided to call it a day. I ended up doing a total of 7 full sprints and had to stop halfway through the 8th one, which is better than the last time I did cross training and had to stop after 5 intervals. I love seeing this progress! I hope to see the benefit of doing this type of training by my time being lowered for my 5k. Anyways, that's it for today from me! Saturday marks the official launch of our blog, so be sure to check us out then! Have a wonderfully blessed Christmas!!